#100DayChallenge2024,  3 x 5 Projects,  Grunge Style,  Junk Journal Ephemera,  Junk Journal Making,  Mini Books,  Tink's Tips for Junk Journaling

The Mini Stitched Booklets are Ready

I initially wrote about the  Mini Stitched Booklets concept here:

The first of the Mini Stitched Booklets are ready to go to their new homes tomorrow. We have two good friends we eat lunch with about once a month, so they are the recipients. 😉

I decorated the envelopes last night. The Stencil Ephemera are for a new product I’m currently working on. The ones I had cut out and ready to use were a squinchy bit too big for the envelopes I had, hence the staggered layout. Thank goodness for Junk Journal forgiveness. 😉

Tink Tip – Punching a Cut-Out (Pun Intended) 😉

I used an UltraFine Sharpie to outline along the inside of the cut-out portions, as you can see in the second photo. It was subtle but made things POP! (The envelope underneath is the one with the outlining.) I think the top one (without the outlining) looks fine, though. If I hadn’t had the right size Sharpie, I would have still been happy to gift these  😉

Punching the Cut-Outs
Punching the Cut-Outs with UltraFine Sharpie

NOTE – Stamps used are of my own design.
@RubberStamps_com #stampwithus     RUBBERSTAMPS.com


Enjoy the Making 😉

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