Using Dictionary Definitions in Junk Journaling
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Using Dictionaries in Junk Journaling

One of the best sources for Junk Journal supplies is thrift stores.  😉

Quite often people donate partial boxes of stationary, games with cards, partial spools of ribbon… pretty much anything you can think of. We have a great Goodwill store the way home from the dentist. My husband jokes that is how he bribes me to go…  lol

Many thrift stores also have books.

Tink Tip

When you are thrift store shopping, remember to look at the used books, but not just ones with pictures. I have two wonderful vintage dictionaries I got from our local Goodwill.

The older one – not sure of the year, maybe the 1940s? – I use for the definitions.

The picture at the top of this post has two examples – one with the definition for Dog, the other with the definition for Crow.

And here are some more examples:

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Trifold Grunge Junk Journals-Picture 9
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Trifold Grunge Junk Journals-Picture 8